At Lyrical Asset Management we aim to maximize long-term returns through fundamental value investing. Our repeatable process has been refined over decades to focus on the most important drivers of return: current price and future earnings. We sift through the cheapest stocks to find the Gems Amid the Junk™, resulting in portfolios that exhibit both cheap valuation and attractive quality and growth.
Lyrical offers active strategies rooted in value for US Equity, International Equity, Global Equity, and Global Impact Equity.
Lyrical Asset Management is an independently owned organization founded on the basis of a multi-decade friendship between our Founders. Our people, their character, and their judgment, naturally underpin all we do. We hope that, for the decades to come, our investors are as proud of and confident in our team as we are.
250 West 55th Street,
Floor 37
New York, NY 10019